Friday, May 12, 2006

Strangest On-call...

I wasn't sure what to title this note--I want to draw in the reader but not scare ya to death either. I worked part of my last on-call last night. Around 8 PM, I almost fainted while talking to a patient. After I composed myself and the dizziness and nausea past I went and had my blood pressure checked. It wasn't crazy high, but it was high enough for me to scare me. I have been scoring around 112/60 throughout my pregnancy. At 8 PM, I was 143/73. I had it taken again twice later and it was similar 141/80 and 134/78. I tried to visit another patient call after the dizziness before I got some medical attention--I felt responsible to fulfill my duty. However, I did call my doctor's hotline and my supervisor right after that to find out what to do and get a replacement for me at work. Turns out, my insurance sent me to my own hospital to get checked out by the doc on-call. I didn't need to be admitted but it was weird to feel like as patient in an area I am usually ministering to people in. The doc and nurses were great. Diana met me and took me home since I wasn't sure I should drive at that point. Went to my usual doc this morning instead of work--pressure is back to normal and they said no more on-calls. The whole thing freaked me out a little--I am not used to this new version of me and it's limits (and blessings). Baby is fine, they checked last night and this morning and she is still thumping away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eric told me about this new development....i'm so glad you tuned into how your body was feeling and didn't just push on unthinkingly and ignore it- well done ! you even managed to make sure you got patients taken care of while getting yourself taken care of- very professional and not easy!! now you can reduce risks by ensuring a regular schedule. will you have to have your bp measured more regularly? the way...your photo is great- there's no mistaking it now- you look very very pregnant ! can you believe you are more than 1/2 way through already??...this time next year........