Sunday, August 21, 2005

I am the gas queen.

I never thought I would be the gas queen. I burp day and night right now. Very long burps too. The progesterone I am taking is making me very burpy and crampy. I hope the spermies did a good job and found the egg or this is just tortuous to be on the hormones and trying to build up the lining of my uterus for nobody. We don't care what the sex is most of the time, but have moments dreaming about a boy and then about a girl. Girl names have been easier to come up with some we like, boys have been harder but we finally got a few we like. We won't share the names until the naming ceremony or the bris seven days after birth--so don't ask--we won't tell. :) I have been good about drinking more water and Diana carried in the heavy groceries today, just in case I shouldn't lift too much. I don't know when I am supposed to start avoiding things but am trying to be good. So now I won't drink the diet soda I had switched to to reduce the empty calories--I wish Coke would make a diet with Splenda that was also caffeine free. And I wish other diet sodas were made with Splenda. will be over a week before we know if the insemination "took" or not, so in the meantime we are trying to keep busy without being baby obsessed--I don't think it is working. :)

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