Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lynn had a bunch of firsts yesterday.

This weekend has been very eventful for Lynn. She had many firsts on Saturday--so you know she was a very busy girl! Let's see...where to start? Well, she has discovered that military style crawling is easier than to keep struggling to stay on her knees and she can get where she has been dying to go now. So...she has been moving around the floors quite well now and it doesn't matter if it is hardwood or rug and she is quite happy about her ability to move across rooms now on her own. She has figured out how to open the drawer in the kitchen that is at her level lying down. The one thing I haven't taken the time to install is those darn little cabinet and drawer thing-a-ma-jigs to keep her from being able to open them. Rats. I guess I have to work on them now. It seems like it will take forever to install them. Oh well. She has started pulling herself up at least to a kneeling position. She can't yet pull to full standing position but she sure wants to climb--now that is clear. She was able to move from lying on her stomach to a seated position with ease. And I think lastly, she was able to take some steps while I held her hands above her. In trying this before she has always fallen over and not been able to move her feet when prompted. So this is a big one! She enjoyed it for several steps a few times yesterday so we will continue to play with that. We have definitely crossed a new threshold and our lives will never be the same. She is mobile now and needs a new level of observation, especially in the kitchen. Oh how scary and wonderful at the same time. I took some photos of these firsts and will post them later when I get a chance to download them in between her activities and naps.

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