Saturday, February 19, 2005

Big Plans today and I am working out my decision

Ohhhh....we are going to see Sweet Honey In The Rock today with co-workers. I can't wait to see them and enjoy their music. The other item is I finally started preparing for baby and getting healthier in general as well. I have put on more weight since the wedding even and it doesn't make me happy. So...I am finally mentally geared up to start working on it. Taking vitamins, drinking more water, less soda and less sugared soda too. We will go exercise this weekend as well. And I am taking my temperature daily to help get ready for possible insemination this summer. Next week I will call to get an appointment for a yearly exam and whatever else needs to happen. What fun!!


Anonymous said...

it would be nice to be a grandma before I am 60 . . .

RevSeekingWisdom said...

I am trying to help you achieve that goal. I have a doctor's appointment for yearly exam in a couple of weeks and I keep checking out the possible sperm donors available too. We will have to wait and see...