Sunday, March 27, 2005

How do they do that?

Okay...I have given up and am asking for help in formatting these blogs. I have found other blogs that I enjoy and want to list them down the side, like other sites do--but I haven't a clue how to do that. I enrolled in Blogrolling, or whatever it is called but that didn't do what I thought it might. I am feeling old right now. The young ones are running circles around me with this Blog thing! Yikes...I am getting old. (sigh).

1 comment:

katie said...

Hi, thanks for checking out my blog! In order to get a blogroll (the links to other blogs that people have on the sides of their blogs) go to, it will take you through the whole set up. It will give you code to add to your blog template. You can then enter all of the blogs that you enjoy.

I'm not all that savy with all of this stuff, but if you have any other questions feel free to drop by, If I can't answer some of my regular readers should be able to.