Tuesday, March 22, 2005

More of the same...

1. First off some more good news. This past weekend, we were trilled to spend time catching up with folks in CT. Tow of them were pregnant women. The one was starting to have contractions and I knew it wouldn't be long before the little boy would decide to start the next phase of life. And so today we heard--little Athan (Ethan with an A) entered into this world on Sunday afternoon in the afternoon. He is healthy and well and nothing else matters!! 2. Second...bad news...I am still distressed by the state of our nation that is involving itself with the Terri S. situation. I truly pray for our nation, courts, and hospitals that wisdom and compassion surround and fill us wholly in this time. Let the woman die with dignity, please. Enough is enough. Life is more than limbic brain spasms. Medicine is a wonderful gift of wisdom and skill. Its can also be torturous and misguided. Political circles have enough they have to attend to without getting involved in something like this. And where is the justice in singling out this one woman. If we (they) are so concerned about life and death issues than focus on the bigger picture and really make changes. This is not the answer or the manner in which to make public policy. A fellow chaplain stated that he finds it very odd that G.W. Bush who is rallying for this one woman and her "right" to life; is the same man who has the record of number of inmates executed while he was in the governor's office. The two differences in behavior are something to take note of. His involvement is not due to his concern with this woman's situation. And therefore he needs to excuse himself and keep on with his vacation plans. Thank you very much. And on other sad news....more sorrow in this world with the shootings at the high school in Red Lake, Minn. Too much suffering for a community of people already fighting injustice every day. My heart is touched by their sorrow, which is greater than this shooting incident which has brought them to our attention. Let us not forget all the pain they have endured as Native Americans.

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