Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year and a new look!

Well, I decided on a whim to change the look of the blog. I am at work once again while everyone else gets to be home playing. So I am playing at work. I have the phones in case there is an emergency and am letting Karen get some sleep--too bad she is sick with cold too. I have paperwork to do but am having much more fun changing my page around. I am still have cramps which started last week, so I don't think I am pregnant. The problem is the hormones I am taking in case I am keep my period from coming and I can't test until Wednesday to see if I am pregnant or not to then stop the pills. So I am stuck in perpetual PMS for a few more days. Yuck. And the hormones, make my period heavier and the cramps too. I would love to take Advil, but can't in case I am with baby. See the lovely cycle I am stuck in. :( Oh well. I worked overnight again last Friday night. I had three baby losses and one very premature baby be born. The three losses were 6, 12 and 26 weeks along. The premie was breach and 23.4 weeks along. I am amazed the baby is still alive today, but he is so far. I was thrilled to be able to go into the OR to watch him being born--very cool even with all the complications. My first time in the OR and first time watching a baby be born. I am so tired from 3 overnights in a 1 1/2 weeks and traveling during the holidays too. I can't wait until I feel caught up. But I have another overnight this Saturday, so I am figuring the catching up won't come anytime soon. Oh well, by the weekend I will either be happily pregnant or done with my period and drinking wine again. :) Talk with you soon I hope. And don't be shy--leave a comment.

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